We are a class of Year 5 and 6 students at Glenbrae School in Auckland New Zealand.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Roots of Empathy reflection
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Macarena around Glenbrae
Monday, 8 November 2010
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Recount of a Holiday by Jonah
Hooray! On Saturday the 25th of September 2010 it was the holiday. During my holiday my family and I went bowling. I was the winner because I scored the most points.
The next morning we went to the Rainbow’s End. It was fun going on the scary rides. The following week we went to Sylvia Park to do shopping. I bought some beautiful clothes. Then we went to the park. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery at the park.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Roots of Empathy
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Procedure of making a purerehua by June
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Procedure of making a paper peguin
Monday, 27 September 2010
Procedure of making a paper penguin by Siupeli

Have you ever wondered how a paper penguin is made?
The purpose of my procedure is to give instructions on how to make a paper penguin.
These are the materials that I used:
a piece of paper about 15 centimetres square.
(black on one side and whites on the other side)
These are steps that I used to make my paper penguin.
1. Fold the paper in the middle.
2. Fold the top corner down 2 centimetres.
3. Fold the bottom corner up 4 centimetres.
4. Fold the paper in half again.
5. Fold corner a back to form a line. Turn the paper over and do the same on the other side.
6. Pull the top corner forward to form the penguin’s beak and squash its head flat.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Monday, 20 September 2010
Friday, 17 September 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Monday, 13 September 2010
Friday, 10 September 2010
Thursday, 9 September 2010
A song and dance created by students from Room 8
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Procedure of making a elephant finger puppet by Alex
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Procedure of making a elephant finger puppet by Jerome
Monday, 6 September 2010
Procedure of making a woodwind instrument by Joan
Friday, 3 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival by Alex

Hooray! It was Folk dancing on Tuesday the 17th of August 2010. We went to the hall to practice the grand March before we left.
We went by bus to the ASB Stadium to dance. When we got there we did line dances, circle dances and partner dances. Then we had morning tea. After Morning Tea we watched a stage performance.
On the way out we got some balloons. We hopped onto the bus and got back to school. I really enjoyed the folk dancing festival and would like to go back next year.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival by Danielle

Yipee! On Tuesday the 17th of August 2010,
Then we did more dancing. At the end before we could leave there were lots of balloons on the ground. We tried to take as many as we could.
I was excited to go home and tell my parents how much fun I had. I enjoyed the folk dancing festival and would like to go back next year.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival by Jonah

Then we danced but before we danced we did the grand march. After a few dances we had morning tea. Then we did more dances. We also listened to lovely music.
When we finished we tried to get as many balloons as we could. We went back to school by bus. I had a wonderful time at the Folk dancing festival and would love to go back next year.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Procedure of making a woodwind instrument by Eseki
To make a woodwind instrument
Materials :
Cardboard tube
Drinking straw
Tracing paper
Sticky tape
Cut the straw to make a point.
Fold the paper onto the cardboard tube.
Stick tape around the paper.
Make a hole in the centre of the paper.
Push the straw through the hole.
Make 6 holes on your cardboard tube.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival by June

At the ASB Stadium initially performed the Grand March and we saw different schools. Some schools did their dances differently. We performed line dances,circle dances and partner dances. Then we had Morning Tea. After Morning Tea we performed a few more dances.
On the way out we got balloons from a lady and we ran out to the bus. Some of our balloons popped and the bus driver got a fright. I really enjoyed the Folk Dancing Festival and wish I could go back next year.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival by Layla

Hooray! It was the Folk Dancing Festival on Tuesday the 17Th of August 2010. Glenbrae School students and staff went to the ASB Stadium. We got there by bus.When we got into the ASB Stadium we lined up in our class lines.
We went into a big hall.Glenbrae School then had to sit down and line up in their dance group lines.The music played. Our school and the other schools had to perform a march. We danced to the music individually and sometimes with our partners.
I really enjoyed the Folk Dancing Festival and Id like to go there again because it was fantastic.
Friday, 20 August 2010
Recount of a Folk Dancing Festival
Narrative of Peter and the wolf rewritten by Danielle

The duck was delighted that Peter had not closed the gate for he wanted to have a swim in the pond in the meadow. Then Peter’s Grandpa came to the gate. He was disappointed that Peter had come out of the gate. The bird said: ‘‘How can a bird not fly”? Then the duck replied: ‘‘How can a duck not fly”? While the bird and duck were arguing a wolf came out of the forest. The bird flew up to a branch of the tree and the duck climbed as fast as she could. The duck got out of the pond and ran as fast as lightning. The wolf got closer and closer until he caught the duck and ate her with one gulp.
All the animals were sad. Peter had seen everything that had been going on. Peter had found a heavy rope. He asked the bird to go around the wolf’s nose. The bird was twisting round and round while Peter put the rope around the wolf’s tail. Then some hunters came out of the woods. The hunters were going to shout but Peter said, “Stop! The bird and I already caught the wolf.”
They took the wolf to the zoo. Peter’s Grandpa was pleased with Peter and they lived happily ever after and if you listen quietly you can hear a quack in the wolf’s stomach for the wolf had swollen the duck alive.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Folk Dancing Festival
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Folk Dancing Festival
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Narrative of Peter and the Wolf rewritten by Jonah

One day there was a boy named Peter who lived in the woods with his grandpa. Early one morning Peter opened the gate and went out. Then he saw a bird flying around the tree.
After that he saw a duck following him and the gate was opened because Peter forgot to lock it.
He heard the bird asking the duck :“What kind of bird you are if you can’t fly?” and the duck asked: “What kind of bird are you if you can’t swim?”
Then a cat came and he thought that it was a bad cat. He jumped higher and he missed.
A big wolf came from the woods.Then Peter’s grandpa told Peter to come into the house.
The wolf ate the duck and the cat ran away from the wolf. Then Peter climbed on the tree.He caught the wolf right on his tail and two hunters came to the woods. They shot the wolf and Peter saw them and he shouted :”Don't shoot the wolf. I already got it.” Then the hunters got the wolf in the zoo but the duck was still alive in the wolf’s stomach.
Folk Dancing Festival
Narrative of Peter and the Wolf rewritten by Tominika
Monday, 16 August 2010
Narrative of Peter and the Wolf rewritten by Alex

Early one morning Peter walked into the meadow. He saw his friend Bird. Duck was happy because Peter left the gate open.
Grandpa was disappointed that Peter went into the meadow. Bird and Cat were fighting. Cat thought it was a good time to get Bird. Instead he chased Duck.
Peter and Bird caught Wolf on a string. The hunters tried to shoot the Wolf. Peter said: “No, help me take him to the zoo”. If you listen closely you can still hear Duck quacking in Wolf’s stomach.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
Friday, 6 August 2010
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Narrative about Fire
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Narrative about Fire
Monday, 2 August 2010
The Duffy Show

When it started the Duffy actors introduced themselves. Then two of the actors went to the back to change. Later Duffy played a game where you had to spin the wheel.
After that Duffy got these boards and he had to slide them into a box and longer words came out. Then the lady stuck it on the board.
I really enjoyed watching it and I got to learn more words. I can’t wait for them to come back next year.
The Duffy Show

Hooray! It’s Duffy Show. We sat on the ground and played a game called spin the wheel.
Chanel asked someone to come up and spin the wheel for him. It stopped at the number 7. Then Chanel read what was on the card. Hannah went up. Chanel was fixing her brain and we had a look.
After that Hannah got a free book from Duffy. I really enjoyed the show and I learnt many new words.
Narrative about Fire
Friday, 30 July 2010
The Duffy Show

Yes! it’s the Duffy show. It was on Wednesday the 21st of July 2010. All of Glenbrae School students and staff went into the hall.
When it started the Duffy presenters told us their names. We saw the wheel of Fortune.
Close to lunch time Chanel did the belly dance. He lifted his t-shirt and showed us his stomach. The girl covered him from us.
I enjoyed the Duffy show and I learnt many new words.
. We the wheel . When it was nearly time Chanel did the belly dance. He lifted his t-shirt and showed us his stomach.The girl covered him from us.
I enjoyed the Duffy show and I learned many new words.
Narrative about Fire
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
My Holidays

Yippee! It’s the holiday! I could not wait to go to the movies on the 18th of July 2010 with my mum Caroline, dad John, nana Kevana, baby Poroii, brother Johnny and sister Vania.
When we got there, we saw my aunt Kylen. She works at the movies.
We watched Toy Story 3. It was really funny. We sat at the back where the comfortable seats were.
After that we went back home and had a big rest. That was a lot of fun.
The Duffy Show

Yes! It’s the Duffy show.
The students and staff of Glenbrae School went down to hall on Wednesday the 21st of July 2010 to watch the Duffy Show.
The actors introduced themselves. Duffy spun the wheel. He had to be a cook. To be a cook he needed to relax.
At the end we had to say some words. I learnt to read more. The show was amazing.
Narrative about Fire
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
My Holiday

Hooray! It’s the holidays I could not wait to go fishing with my family.
When we arrived at my house I ran to my room and got my shoes and my jumper.
I went to my grandpa and told him that it was time to go fishing . So we went outside and got in the van . My uncle drove us to Mission Bay. When we got out of the van, I got out my net and began fishing . Later my cousin and I went for a walk while my grandpa and uncle were still fishing.
When we came back from our long walk we asked my grandpa and my uncle if they caught any fish but they caught none. So we went back home. Then we went back home and had some ice block.
I enjoyed my day out fishing in the holidays.
Narrative about Fire
Monday, 26 July 2010
My Holiday

Hooray! It’s the holidays. On Friday the 2nd of July 2010 I went to Mangere to see my nanny and uncle. We got there by a train and a bus. I went with my mum, dad and siblings. We went to Mangere to witness our nanny’s 61st birthday.
After that I played on my uncle’s play station 2. We played a cool game called “Black.” Then we had a chocolate cake with strawberry icing on top.
Thereafter we a hangi for our dinner. After we finished our dinner we went to bed. I enjoyed my holiday.
Narrative by Joan
Friday, 23 July 2010
Duffy Show
These are some new words that Room 8 learnt from the Duffy Show that was held at our school recently.
My Holiday

Hooray! It’s the holiday. I went to the movies with my family. We watched “Karate Kid.”
After that we went got some popcorn. Then my mum went to the supermarket. Thereafter we went to the super market.
We also went to the hospital to visit my nana. She was sick. We gave her some fruit and fish to eat. My mum stayed with her.
Later we went to McDonald’s. I had a wonderful holiday.’s the holiday. I went to the movies with my family. We watched "Karate Kid."
After that we went got some popcorn. Then my mum went to the supermarket. Thereafter we went to the super market.
We also went to the hospital to visit my nana. She was sick. We gave her some fruit and fish to eat. My mum stayed with her.
Later we went to McDonald’s. I had a wonderful holiday.
Narrative by Hannah
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Duffy Show
This is a narrative about "Fire" written and presented by Edwina from Room 8 of Glenbrae School.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
The Duffy Show
These are some important words that Room 8 learnt from the Duffy Show. See if you know them.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
Friday, 2 July 2010
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Narrative written by Alex

Tamati and Sam heard a sound. It went: “Beep,beep,beep.” Tamati and Sam got down , got low and got out fast. They yelled: “Fire, fire, fire.”
They used their escape plan. They told mum they were super heroes because they used their escape plan. Mum was happy that they used the escape plan.
They went to the mail box and dad rang the firefighters.
The fire fighters came and put out the f ire out. They had to move to a new house. They were safe and lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Narrative written by Danielle

Once upon a time in a beautiful house there lived a mother named Sarina and a little girl named Christall.
One day Christall was bored so she started to play with a lighter. Then Christall saw a fire. She shouted: “Fire, fire, fire.’’ Christall went to the mailbox. She saw her mum there.
Mum dialled 111. The fire fighters came and put the fire out. They were safe and lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Narrative retold by Hannah
One day Mia, James and Mum went out to school camp. Tamati was sad. Dad cooked his favourite food. Sam gobbled up one of his sausages and he gave one of his carrot sticks and begged for more. Dad tucked Tamati into bed. He said: “Look Tamati.it is way past your bed time I’ll let Sam sleep here for just this once.”
Sam and Tamati closed their eyes. Suddenly they heard a loud noise. Beep, beep, beep. Sam started barking. He didn’t stop. They were scared. Then they went out and yelled: “Fire, fire, fire.” They got, down got low and got out fast. They grabbed the torch and turned it on. Then they got to the front door. They got outside and ran to the safe meeting place and dad was already there. They were glad.
Then dad dialled 111 on his mobile phone. They waited for the fire fighters to come. Then they heard a loud noise. It was the fire truck. The firemen got the hose and hosed the fire down. They lived happily ever after.
By Hannah
Monday, 28 June 2010
Narrative by Edwina

Once upon a time there lived a boy called Tamati and a dog called Sam.
One night Dad said to Tamati: “It’s late and it’s not time to read.” When Tamati and Sam were sleeping they heard a sound and that went: “Beep, beep, beep.” So they jumped out of the bed and ran out. Tamati said: “We got to get out of here.” So they were ran and they called out: “Fire, fire, fire.”
After that they got outside and they saw their Dad at the safe meeting place.Dad rang 111 on his mobile and he said: “Please can we have a fire-fighter?” In a few minutes the fire fighter came and got the hose out and went inside to see if anyone was there.
They were safe and they lived happily ever after.
Friday, 25 June 2010
Narrative by Anamanu

A long time ago there was a mum called Katherine, dad called Samuel, a dog called Sam and three children called Tamati, James and Mia. Katherine, Mia and James went camping.
Tamati and Sam went to the dining room and ate their meal with Samuel. Tamati gave some of his broccoli to Sam. So Sam said: “I can’t eat this food. It’s too crunchy.” When they finished their yummy meal, they went in the living room and watched a movie.
It was time to go to bed. Dad read a story to Tamati. Tamati was woken up by a loud noise. It was the smoke alarm going: ‘’Beep, beep, beep.” Tamati and Sam got down, got low and got out fast. Tamati and Sam ran out through the front door and went to the safe meeting place and dad was already there.
Dad dialled 111 to call the fire-fighter. Tomas, the fire fighter arrived. Tomas put out the fire. They were safe and lived happily ever after.
A fire in the house
One day there lived a lady called Shan and a man called Ray. They had a son called Dennis which is me.
One day my mum was cooking dinner. She left the kitchen. I came out of my room. I saw the fire. I shouted: “Fire , fire, fire.” I ran out side. I saw my mum and dad at the safe meeting place.
My dad dialled 111. The fire fighter hosed the fire out. We lived happily ever after.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Narrative retold by Jonah
Once upon a time there was a mum and a dad who had three children. One day mum and two of the children went for a holiday. One child called Tamati stayed with his dog and his dad.
One night Tamati and his dad were eating dinner and Sam wanted to eat. Then Tamati gave Sam some food of his.
After eating they watched a DVD. Then Tamati went to sleep. The fire alarm went: “Beep, beep, beep.” Tamati called out: “Fire, fire, fire.” He got out through the front door. Then Tamati told Sam: “Don’t go in there.” They went to the meeting place.
Tamati’s dad rang 111 and the firemen came and put out the fire. They were now safe and lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Narrative by Anamanu
A long time ago in a house the Ifoni family lived. Elenoa, the mum was cooking bacon and eggs. Emma and Tangi, the children were playing with candles and matches. They lit the candles.
Elenoa shouted: ‘’ Come eat lunch!!!” So Emma and Tangi left the candles and matches in the living room. They went into the dining room and ate their delicious meal. Five minutes later they went to the living room and got some paper and put it on the fire. It turned into a large fire. Emma and Tangi shouted: ‘’ Fire, fire, fire.’’!!
So Elenoa, Emma and Tangi ran to the safe meeting place which was the mailbox. Elenoa dialled 111. The fire fighters came. Tom the fire fighter got the hose and put out the fire.
So the housing people built a brand new house for the Ifoni family. They lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Narrative by Christy

One night Jessie went outside to have a smoke while the children were sleeping. Then she wanted to go to the toilet. So she left the cigarette on the window sill. When she came back from the toilet she saw fire. So she shouted: “Fire, fire, fire”. All the children got down, got low and got out.
Jessie dialled 111. The firemen came and put out the fire. They were safe and lived happily ever
Monday, 21 June 2010
Narrative by Siupeli

Once upon a time there lived a mum called Shine and a dad called Sam. They had 2 children called Dick and Sony.
Their house was on fire because they left their cooking unattended. The boys called out: “Fire, fire’’ fire’’.
In the boy’s room they heard a loud noise. It went: “Beep, beep, beep’’. The boys got down, got low and got out fast.
They assembled at the safe meeting place which was the mailbox. They saw their parents who were already there.
The parents dialled 111 on their mobile phone. Then the fire fighters arrived at their house. They put out the fire. Sam, Shine, Dick and Sony were now safe and they lived happily ever after.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Narrative written by Edwina

A fire in a house.
Once upon a time there lived two children named Katie and Ring in a house. They were sleeping and they woke up and saw fire coming in. So they called out: "Fire, fire, fire."
They got out of their bed , got down, got low and got out fast. They went to the mail box and they saw their mum there.
Their mum rang 111. After a few minutes, the firefighters came and put out the fire with the hose. They were now safe and they lived happily ever after.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Monday, 14 June 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
Friday, 4 June 2010
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
The Hellison's Model
Monday, 31 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
Narrative by James

A long long time ago there lived in a princess named Hannah and a Prince called CJ. They lived in a castle.
A dragon blew fire into the castle. "Help me," said the princess.
Just then Prince CJ ran in with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire.
They got married and lived happily ever after.
The Hellison's model
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Narrative by Faauta

Once upon a time there lived a Princess called Cinderella and a Prince named Noela. They lived in a castle.
A dragon blew fire into the castle. "Help me please," said the Princess. Just then, Prince Noela ran in with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire.
They got married and they lived happily ever after.
The Hellison's model
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
The Hellison's model
Narrative written by Jezebel

Once upon a time there lived a Princss called Rhonda
and a Prince called Nalla. They lived in a big castle.
A dragon blew fire into the castle. "Help me please," said the princess.
Just then prince Nalla was passing by. He ran in with a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.
The price and princess got married and live happily ever after.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Narrative by Nunia

A long time ago there was a girl. Her name was Princess Angelica. She lived in a castle which was beautiful.
A dragon came by and blew fire to the room that the princess was in. Angelica said, ''Help, help!"
Prince Charming was riding by and rescued Princess Angelica by poking the dragon with a knofe. Then the dragon went away. Prince Charming said ''I wish this thing won't happen ever again. They got married and lived happiliy ever after.
The Hellison's Model
Monday, 24 May 2010
Narrative written by Danielle Mailata

Once apon a time there lived a princess named Caroline. She lived in a castle far , far away. One day the princess was walking in her room.
Then the princess saw a dragon. The dragon flew up and blew fire in her room. The princess yelled," Help, help!"
The prince heard a voice. He got onto his horse. He saved the princess. They got married and lived happily ever after.
The Hellison's model
Friday, 21 May 2010
New Student in Room 8
The Hellison's model
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Narrative written by Gemima

Once upon a time there was a princess named Angelina who lived in a castle. There was also a prince named Prince Charming. Princess Angelina was having a good time but then she looked out of the window and saw a dragon. The dragon blew fire into the castle.
"Help! Help! Save me," screamed the princess. "I'll save you," said the prince.The prince tried to save her but he couldn't because the dragon reached in and grabbed Angelina.
The dragon took Angelina to the evil witch. The prince followed the dragon. When the witch locked Angelina at the top of the tower. He found a ladder. He climbed up the ladder and saved Princess Angelina. So they quickly ran off.They got married and they lived happily ever after.
The Hellison's model
Narrative written by Dennis

Once upon a time there lived a Princess called Sharn and a Prince called Ray.
They lived in a big castle.
Sharn was cooking dinner. Then she needed to go to the toilet. The castle caught on fire.
She said: "Help me." Prince Ray heard her and sped off to the castle. He managed to save Sharn on time.
Then they got married and they lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
The Hellison's Model
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Narrative written by Anamanu

Once upon a time in a palace far away there was a Princess , a King and Queen . The princess wanted her breakfast which was bacon and egg. So the maid went in the cupboard and got the bacon and egg.
The maid got the pan and cooked the egg and bacon . The maid was setting up the table while the food was cooking on the clean pan. So the princess said 'Help, help!" Then Prince Charming heard her and came along. "The castle is on fire," she said.
So the prince climbed on the horse and sped off to the castle and rescued Princess Angelica . The prince said, "You will be safe with me." They got married and lived happily ever after.
By Anamanu Mafua
The Hellison's Model
Monday, 17 May 2010
The Hellison's model
Gemima thinks she worked at on the Hellison's model.
Narrative called "In a Castle" by Edwina

A long time ago there was a lady who lived in a castle.
She went to her room and said, "I will go and cook some food." When she was thinking about that she went out of her room to the kitchen. In the kitchen she was cooking some banana cake. As she was cooking she was talking on the telephone and she didn't know that the banana cake was ready.
In the end her palace was burnt down. She managed to escape safely.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Hellison's model
Friday, 7 May 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
My holidays
I turned 9 years old. I had a big party. I had 3 large pizzas from Pizza Hut. After we had pizza my family and I had ice cream and cake. A movie came on. I ate popcorn when the movie came on. Then I got my presents.
I had a good birthday. My holiday was fun.