Friday, 31 July 2009

Recount of a soccer coaching session by Tatiana

Last week on Thursday for P.E Room 8 and Mrs Moopanar had a soccer training lesson with a professional named Manuel. He taught us how to play this game called catch the tail.

We had session on the court. It was very exciting. Manuel taught us how to dribble properly. We had so much fun that we forgot it was a coaching session. After that we had a competition where you had to try and kick the ball to the other side. The last person to remain in the game was the winner. We had so much fun bouncing the ball.

After all that dribbling everybody was exhausted and some might have had stitches.

Recount of Mara's soccer coaching session

On Thursday after Maths I went out for soccer with my class. We were coached by a man called Manuel. We played a game called “Catch the tail.” Someone had to catch a “tail” from another person.

The next game was with the soccer ball. There had to be two taggers and the rest of the players had to be with the ball. When Manuel said: “Run” we had to run. Then two people had to tag us and we had to freeze. People could rescue us. They had to go around us. After that we had another game. We had to have two kickers that were going to kick the ball out. We had to run away from them and try not to get the ball out. We had two rounds.

At the end we had to go back to class because it was the next class’ turn to go. It was really fun.

Recount of a soccer coaching session by Vaivasa

Last Thursday Room 8 went on the court to play soccer. A coach called Manuel came to teach us soccer.

We started off playing a game where we had to catch children’s “tails” and see how many we caught. I caught three tails from other children. Next we played a different game. We had to kick the ball all the way to the end, but the coach had to kick our balls away and if your ball had been kicked away you had to join the coach and kick the other balls away.

In the end we went back to class to have lunch. That was fun.

Recount of a soccer coaching session by Melelangi

On Thursday we had someone who came to our school to teach us soccer .It was fun. I got very excited when we were playing soccer .The person’s name was Manuel.

Soccer is my favourite sport. We did the coaching for our PE lesson. We had to dribble the ball and kick the ball. The ball was very hard.

I was very happy to play soccer. It was an enjoyable lesson.

Recount of Tupac's soccer coaching session

On Thursday we had to go to a soccer coaching session. The coach’s name was Manuel. He is cool.

First we warmed up with a game and you had to steal the players “tail.” It was fun. I stole Myo Htat”s tail. He tried to get it back. Litani won the last round.

Then we played a game where you had to kick other player’s ball out of their legs. Mine got kicked lots of times and my shoes got very muddy but I learnt how to kick a ball better.

I really enjoyed the soccer coaching session and am looking forward to the next one.

Recount of a soccer coaching session by Alexis

On Thursday after Maths we got to learn soccer skills with Manuel, the coach. We played a game called “Tail”. It was really funny. I was excited about training with Manuel. All of us were kicking a ball. We played on the court.

We had to dribble the balls to the other side of the court. That was a competition. We were catching each other. All of us played a game of soccer. After soccer we played another game.

We were exhausted but it was a lot of fun. When the soccer lesson was nearly finished we all played one more game. I am looking forward to the next session with Manuel.

Recount of June's soccer coaching session

During the soccer training we had to play “Tails” to warm us up. Whenever people fell down others weren’t allowed to steal their tails. If we stole their tails we had to give it back.

We played a game called “Ole.” In Ole there were two taggers in the middle. Everyone had a soccer ball and had to dribble it to the other end without it being kicked out.

When I was dribbling the ball it was hard. When the ball went far we had to run fast and get it to stop. I thoroughly enjoyed the soccer coaching session.

Recount of a soccer coaching session written by Veronica

Last Thursday we had a soccer coaching session for PE. The adult who was coaching us is called Manuel. He is a good coach and he was pretty funny too.

First we played a game called “Catch the tail.” It’s kind of like catching the dragon’s tail. Next we played “Dribble the ball.” Manuel dribbled the ball too.

Room 8 had so much fun that we did not want to pack up. I am looking forward to our next coaching session with Manuel.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Wall Story created by Room 8

Recount of how Mara spent her holidays

When holidays began on Thursday the 9th of April I went to the hospital to visit my dad because he was so sick and painful. I went with my mum, my aunty and my brothers.

We had to wait inside the lounge because my dad was gone for surgery. After his surgery we had a little talk with him. Then we had to go home.

The next day we went to the movies and watched 17 again I went with my brothers and my cousin. My cousin and I watched “17 again” and my brothers watched “2 fast and furious.”

I really enjoyed my holidays.

Recount of Tatiana spending a day at Kelly Tarlton's

My holidays was fun because I went to Kelly Tarlton's with my family. We got to see the different types of sea animals.

My family and I saw penguins, whales and lots of other sea creatures. My mum said that all the little children had to pair up with an adult. There were too many children so my brother and I went with my uncle. At Kelly Tarlton's my uncle said that we could take pictures with the camera. My brother took a picture of me looking at the penguins. After a while we were all hungry so all of us met outside and we began eating. My brother was eating like a pig because he was very hungry.

Thereafter we all went home and started talking about how much fun we had. Then we all went to sleep. I had an enjoyable day at Kelly Tarlton's.

Recount of Keren spending a day shopping at Sylvia Park

My holidays started on the 4th of July 2009. I was happy when the holidays began.I went to Sylvia Park for a whole day because it was my mum’s birthday.

I went to Sylvia Park’s Café. Here I had a piece of cake and a hot chocolate. My brothers and sisters had a piece of cake and burgers because they did not like Milo.
After that I went to the Warehouse to buy my mum a present. My brothers went to the carving shop to carve my mum’s name onto a little rock to say “Happy Birthday”. Then we went to buy a scooter, a bike and a skateboard .

Finally it was time to go home. We trained there and trained back. When we got out of the train we walked home and had a rest. I really enjoyed my holidays.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Multimedia Myth

This is a multimedia myth created by Vaivasa usnig crayon, dye, chalk and weaving.

Multimedia Myth

This is a multimedia myth created by Sariah using chalk, dye, crayon and weaving.