A long time ago, in Samoa on an island there lived a happy couple and also their son named Ti’iti’i. In Samoa fire was unknown and people ate their food raw. On the island also lived Mafuie the earthquake god. Everyday Ti’iti’is dad Talaga would always leave the house before sunrise and return at night. Ti’iti’i always asked his mum where his dad was.
So one evening before sunrise Ti’iti’i followed his dad. Talaga travelled on a long journey past the coast and he went up England. Finally he stopped in front of a huge rock. Ti’iti’i saw that his dad talking to the rock. Suddenly the rock divided into two pieces. Inside the rock, the dad was making food. Ti’iti’i kept on throwing food at his dad. Then his dad found out that it was Ti’iti’i and told him to run home because it was not safe to be there.
When Mafuie found out that Ti’iti’i was there she chased him but he was clever and used his wrestling skills. Then Ti’iti’i told Mafuie to give them some fire and she agreed. She told them to use dry wood. From that day onwards, Samoans has fire and enjoyed cooked food.