Tuesday, 8 November 2011


This is a movie on recycling created by the students and teacher from Room 8 at Glenbrae School in 2011.


Pesi @ Pt England School said...

Hello Guys,

I just wanted to say good work on your movie, i really like it and think that we recycle just like you guys.

Room 21 said...

Hi Room 8

Great movie about recycling. This is something that is really important for the environment. Thank you for showing us how to recycle properly. Well done.

Mrs Lagitupu

Room 21 said...

Hi Room 8

Great movie about recycling. This is something that is really important for the environment. Thank you for showing us how to recycle properly. Well done.

Mrs Lagitupu

Plessius family said...

Kia ora Room 8!
What a great effort you all, not forgetting your teacher, did on your movie - well done! And, it was about an important topic for our school and for each of us as individuals.
Tsana (Karl & Robin's mum)

Ms Hansell said...

Hello Room 8. I really enjoyed watching your movie at Sylvia Park movie festival. I thought your movie making was really clever. The message you passed to the audience was valued, and it was also very entertaining. Congratulations

Anonymous said...

Kiaora Room 8,

Your movie had a very clear message and it was lovely to see you all again participating in such great learning.

Keep it up!

Miss Morris (PBS)

Mrs Sigamoney said...

Hi Room 8
Great movie. Loved the script and the message you gave.

Raewyn McGregor said...

Hey Room 8,

That was a great movie you made about 'recycling'. Well done!!

In Rotorua, we don't have one big recycling bin. We have four or five smaller ones that are out in the garage and when they are full,we take them to a BIG recycling centre. I love going there every 3 or 4 weeks. They have nice music playing and the people who work there are soooo friendly and helpful and tell us which BIG bags all our different recycling goes into. Its a really fun time. And so good for our planet, too.

Keep up the good work.

Mrs Mac.

Siosaia said...

Hello Room8 at Glenbrae,

Hey guys it is me Siosaia,
you have done a really great job on the recycling movie. It was outstanding on the big screen.
My class is learning about recycling maybe you can help!

I really appreciate the cheering at the movies! Thanks guys!

Nathaniel said...

I love the way that you told and showed how and what to recycle where did you get the materials from?.

Kaisara said...

Hello Glen Brae Sch
I really liked your movie you guys made, it was really outstanding Well Done!!By the way we are studying recycling, Maybe you guys can give us some hints.

Faith said...

Wow Glenbrae well done to all of yous I can tell that you care about your school environment by recycling. Keep up all the hard work and recycling at your school.
Your massage went out to the world WELL DONE.

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 8

That was an awesome movie you guys made.You put my favorite song on the background too.

Hope you learn more!!!!


Tamara said...

Hi room 8
I really like your comment. your comment was so so cool.

Anonymous said...

keep on recycling just jokes
good job on keeping our world clean green.