Friday, 8 April 2011
Yesterday the students and teacher from Room 8 went down to the life caravan.

Cindy came out of the life caravan to talk about the rules. After that Mrs Moopanar put us into four groups and Cindy had to go and lock the door. Then we had to say: “Come out Tam”. After that we had to watch a movie.

In the end we had to stand up and walk out. I enjoyed the Life Caravan because I learnt about my body.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

My Holiday
When we got to Rarotonga we got off the plane with my mum . We went there for a holiday. It was nice and sunny.

There was a nice beach. I was swimming in the pool . I also climbed up the mountain and I saw a cave. We caught a bat in the cave and we made a cage for the bat .

Then I watched movies . After that I went to sleep.

Life Caravan

Yesterday 10 March 2011 Room 8 students went to the life caravan . Cindy told us the rules that they had to use in side the caravan.

Cindy picked some blood doctors and some Tam doctors. One person was chosen for each thing. Cindy gave prizes to the people who were giving good ideas.

I enjoyed the life caravan because I learnt about my body.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Life Caravan

Yesterday Room8 went for a lesson on the Life Caravan.

Then a girl named Cindy told us the rules.After that we walked inside. I felt very cold.
The life caravan smelt weird. After that we listened about a brain talk and the brain said that it was the boss of every thing.

Later on we watched this video of a girl named Aroha. We also sang a song. Suddenly Harold popped out and said that he had 3 Harold badges. The people that got the badges were Deandra, Kahn and Brandon.

Finally we went to class and I was happy because I learnt about my body.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My holidays

This is a recount of what Evelyn did in her holidays.

Monday, 4 April 2011

My holidays

This is a recount of what Atelaite did during her holiday.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Baseball coaching

This is a recount of a baseball coaching session that Alisi attended.