Friday, 28 February 2014

Candice's Thinking Hat

I made a white thinking hat. 

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Name tags

Name tags 2 from Radha Moopanar on Vimeo.

We created name tags by cutting letters of our names from a magazine and pasting it onto a card.

Thinking Hats

thinking hats from Radha Moopanar on Vimeo.

Each student from Room 8 created a different colour of De Bono's thinking hat.

Glyn's Thinking Hat

I made a yellow thinking hat.

Salote's Biopoem

Brainy, kind, honest
Daughter of Ruth and Pola
Who loves my family
Who is happy when I go to the fun fest
Who fears spiders
Who discovered that my mum was having a baby
Who would like to experience Australia
Lives in Glen Innes


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Trent's Thinking Hat

I made a green thinking hat.

Newsam's Thinking Hat

I made a green thinking hat.

Uliea's Biopoem

Kind, helpful, happy
Daughter of Eliu
Who loves my mum
Who feels happy when I play
Who fears spiders
Who discovered that my nana is coming to visit
Who would like to experience seeing my nana
Who lives in Glen Innes


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Litia's Thinking Hat

I made a black thinking hat. 

Maya's Thinking Hat

I made a yellow thinking hat.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Davarni's Thinking Hat

I made a blue thinking hat. 

Newsam's Biopoem

Happy, brave, smart
Daughter of Faaeaina  and Auro
Who loves
Who feels happy when I go shopping
Who fears sharks
Who discovered my Christmas presents
Who wants to experience the movies
Lives in Glen Innes


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Davarni's name tag

This is my name tag that I made out of magazine cuttings.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Swimming from Radha Moopanar on Vimeo.

Room 8 were lucky  to have swimming lessons with professional instructors from Swim Magic.

Mathew's Biopoem

Sporty, funny, happy
Son of Mafua and Marryan
Who loves my little brothers and sisters
Who feels happy when somebody plays with me
Who fears zombies
Who discovered that my dog is playful
Who would like to experience Rainbows End
Lives in Glen Innes


Mary's Biopoem

Happy, friendly, smart
Daughter of Keuli and Likio
Who loves my father and my mother
Who feels happy when I’m with my family
Who fears spiders
Who would like to experience the Islands
Lives in Glen Innes
