
Wednesday, 28 July 2010

My Holidays
Yippee! It’s the holiday! I could not wait to go to the movies on the 18th of July 2010 with my mum Caroline, dad John, nana Kevana, baby Poroii, brother Johnny and sister Vania.

When we got there, we saw my aunt Kylen. She works at the movies.
We watched Toy Story 3. It was really funny. We sat at the back where the comfortable seats were.

After that we went back home and had a big rest. That was a lot of fun.


  1. Plessius Family29 July 2010 at 21:54

    Well done with your story about going to the moviews. I liked the way you described all the characters (people) who went with you. I hope you enjoyed the movie!
    karl's mum

  2. Hey plessius

    That was such an awesome story about you and your family going to the movies and I liked the way you mentioned your family names.
    well done.

    From Earle


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