
Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Narrative by Anamanu long time ago in a house the Ifoni family lived. Elenoa, the mum was cooking bacon and eggs. Emma and Tangi, the children were playing with candles and matches. They lit the candles.

Elenoa shouted: ‘’ Come eat lunch!!!” So Emma and Tangi left the candles and matches in the living room. They went into the dining room and ate their delicious meal. Five minutes later they went to the living room and got some paper and put it on the fire. It turned into a large fire. Emma and Tangi shouted: ‘’ Fire, fire, fire.’’!!

So Elenoa, Emma and Tangi ran to the safe meeting place which was the mailbox. Elenoa dialled 111. The fire fighters came. Tom the fire fighter got the hose and put out the fire.

So the housing people built a brand new house for the Ifoni family. They lived happily ever after.


  1. Well done Anamanu that would be very scary and I like the way that you wote in interesting words.

  2. to anamanu

    I liked your nartive but it must of been scary for the children

    from danielle mailata your friend

  3. to anamanu

    I liked your nartive but it must of been scary for the children

    from danielle mailata your friend

  4. To Anamanu I like your narrative it must of been scary for kids from other school but you were I like the words that you said it was really nice I really injoyed it. it was really good

  5. hi ana

    what a graet a story you do.

  6. Hi Anamanu I really like your story about a fire in my house that was so cool. I enjoyed it.


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