
Friday, 5 February 2010

Goals set by students from Room 8 for 2010

These are the goals set by students from Room 8 for 2010.


  1. Hi Room 8 students. It was great to hear you talking about your new goals and how you hope to achieve them. If you have a great attitude and try hard, you will succeed. Best wishes for a fantastic learning year.
    Mrs Boyer

  2. Talofa Room 8. What a great set of goals you've decided to work towards. I really like how you have also thought about how you might achieve them. I'm looking forward to visiting your blog again to find out how get on.
    Mrs Tele'a

  3. Hi Room 8. We really like the goals that you have set yourselves. It will be good to see you achieve them. We are learning about report writing to. Maybe we can share our reports with each other.

  4. Hi Room 8

    I am so proud of the goals set by each one of you. I will be working really hard with you to ensure that you achieve these goals. We will do a relfelction at the end of each term to see the progress made by you. Best of luck in your learning for 2010.

  5. Wow! Room 8 students I am so impressed with your goals - I liked the way you said what your goal is and how you are going to achieve it. That was good clarity! I like the way you are really thinking about your thinking! You will do well with such mind-full and thought - full habits Great stuff.

    Sandy J

  6. Room 8
    I think that you need to work hard to achieve your goals.


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