
Friday, 4 December 2009

Room 8: 2009 Reflection

This is a reflection by the students of Room 8 on what they enjoyed in 2009 and what they wish to accomplish in 2010.


  1. Wow Room 8, you sound like a VERY sporty class! I loved hearing your reflections on 2009 and your goals for 2010. Well done to all of you. And congratulations to your teacher who has learned how to make a podcast in GarageBand :)

  2. Kia ora, Room 8
    I loved hearing about what you enjoyed this year, and your goals for next year.
    Manuel will be pleased that so many of you want to improve your soccer skills. I hope some of you join the clubs that visited our school.
    This time next year you will be able to look back to see if you have achieved your goals for 2010.

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