
Friday, 5 June 2009

Narrative of Maui and Tunaroa rewitten by Fa'amafu

Maui’s wife, Hina went for a bath in the water. Then the eel saw Hina and fell in love with her.

The eel was chasing Hina. So Maui was jealous. He set a trap for the eel and used a net to get back Hina.

Maui stabbed the eel’s head and turned it into a fish and Maui got back with Hina. They lived happily ever after.


  1. Hi Fa'amafu
    I enjoyed eeading your narrative about Maui and Tunaroa. You wrote very clearly. Well done.

  2. wow that was fasanating after i herd that jimmy came to your school ..


  3. Hi Glenbrae it me Jimmy it nice photo
    from jimmy

  4. Dear guys you have really interesting staff for your school and i hope you keep it up.....lots of facts about your staff I enjoy reading you narritive about maui.
    PBS R6 by Raeleigh

  5. hi fa'amafu its me june i just want to come by and say welldone and keep up the good work

  6. Sela, Chyann and Olivia25 June 2009 at 09:59

    Hi Fa'amafu
    Sela, Chyann and Olivia here.
    We really liked your narrative.
    It was very interesting.Well Done!!
    Goodbye for now!

  7. Hey Fa'amafu,
    great narrative on Maui and Tunaroa.Wonderful could be an author when you grow up.keep up the excellent work.
    by Chyann

  8. Hi what a fantastic video. i want to hear more about this cool videos

    KEEP IT UP!!!!!!


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