
Friday, 6 June 2008

Tame'e's Lost Dog

Oh no, another dog gone missing. This time it's Snowy, Tame'es dog. Left outside Pak n' Save at Sylvia Park Shopping Mall. She was tied to the bench, but must have walked off. Tune in to hear her description of her dog.


  1. Hello Tame'e
    I think that Snowy must be with John and Khylie - the other two dogs that are missing! Your description is so good I am sure that Snowy will be found. Good luck.
    Mrs Kelly

  2. Hi tame'e

    We like your lost dog.You speeked clealy and we like your voice.


  3. Talofa, Tame'e

    What a lovely, clear description you gave of your dog, Snowy. I hope she has come back to you!

    Well done on reading so clearly and fluently.

    Miss Elia


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