
Friday, 6 June 2008

Isaiah's lost dog

Poor, Isaiah left his dog John tied to a red pole near the Warehouse at Sylvia Park. John was wearing a little blue hat and flea collar. Tune in and listen to Isaiah's podcast on John the Chinese Crested Hairless dog.


  1. Hi Isaiah
    I really enjoyed your podcast. The photo with the blue hat and collar was so cute and you described John so clearly that surely someone will bring him back to you.
    Keep writing
    Mrs Burt

  2. Wow that was well done,
    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast

    What a good loud voice
    Its is clear and you got good exppresion

  3. Hello Isaiah
    I am sure that I saw John on the red pole by the Warehouse at Sylvia Park. What a shame that you lost him. Your description of him is very good and I am sure that a little dog wearing a blue hat will be easy yo find. Your reading is very expressive, well done. Good luck!
    Mrs Kelly

  4. Talofa, Isaiah

    What a full description you gave of your dog, John. I really felt I knew him quite well after listening to your podcast.

    You read very confidently, too.
    Good on you!

    Miss Elia


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