
Friday, 17 June 2016


Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for today was on "Accountability."

First we did an energiser which was called "Buddy buddy". Then we spoke about our learning intention which was  about times we have been good role model. Finally we did an activity called "Overtake" where we had 2 teams with a ball each and had to pass the ball to beat the other team. 

We enjoyed Kiwican today and learnt a lot about being good role models.


  1. Hi room 10
    I really like how you worked well and learnt about role models. Learning Space 2 at PBS also enjoys Kiwi Can. Keep up the great work!


  2. Hello Room 10, I like how you explained what you did in this blog post so the person looking at it knows what you are talking about. Maybe next time you should explain why you like this activity because all you said was I like today's Kiwi Can lesson.

  3. Hi Room 10.

    Wow it looks like you have learnt some great leadership skills from kiwican. Also, here at Panmure Bridge school we are learning about accountability. It's nice to see everybody getting along and enjoying there time. Maybe on your next kiwican session you could take some picture of the class actually playing the activity. Keep up the great learning.

    From Nesi at Panmure Bridge School
    If you want to check my blog click here

  4. Hi, I like how you have learnt some cool leadership skills from kiwi can. It's nice seeing everybody enjoying there kiwi can time and at Panmure Bridge School we also have kiwi can.

    Well done :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Room 10,
    I love that you learnt some leadership skills to make
    yourself a better person and You guys look like you guys are having
    fun in Kiwi Can.....

    Well Done!!!!


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