
Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Room 10 went to the Glenbrae School Hall to watch a musical performance storylines. It was about the importance of Reading. We really enjoyed the performance and realised the importance of using our imagination when reading.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Kiwican: Term 2: week 8

Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for today was on "Accountability."

First we did an energiser which was called "Netball tag" ". Then we spoke about our learning intention which was  about being honest and tell the truth. Finally we did an activity called "Hand soccer" where we had 2 teams with a ball and had to score a goal using our hands to play soccer. 

We enjoyed Kiwican today and learnt a lot about being good role models.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Use a Balloon to Amplify Sound

Balloon experiment from Radha Moopanar on Vimeo.

Small sounds can still make a big noise when you use a good sound conductor. Experiment with a balloon, compressed air and your own ears to find out how it works and the science behind it.

What you'll need:
  • Balloon

1.  Blow up the balloon.
2.  Hold the balloon close to your ear while you tap lightly on the other side.
 What's happening?

Despite you only tapping lightly on the balloon your ears can hear the noise loudly. When you blew up the balloon you forced the air molecules inside the balloon closer to each other. Because the air molecules inside the balloon are closer together, they become a better conductor of sound waves than the ordinary air around you.

Friday, 17 June 2016


Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for today was on "Accountability."

First we did an energiser which was called "Buddy buddy". Then we spoke about our learning intention which was  about times we have been good role model. Finally we did an activity called "Overtake" where we had 2 teams with a ball each and had to pass the ball to beat the other team. 

We enjoyed Kiwican today and learnt a lot about being good role models.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Musical cake tin

Goal: How to make a musical cake tin

Material needed
. A square metal cake tin
. 5 rubber bands
. A piece of thick cardboard
. 5 soft drink caps or small pebbles

1. Measure and cut out a rectangular piece of cardboard. It should be slightly wider than the cake tin and should cover about half the length of the tin.

2. Lay the piece of cardboard over one end of the tin and stretch the rubber bands lengthwise around the tin. Space them evenly across the cardboard. Beside each string write a number-1,2,3,4, and 5.

3. Slip one of the soft drink caps or pebbles between each of the rubber bands and the cardboard.

4. Pluck one of the rubber bands at the uncovered end of the tin and listen to the sound it makes as it vibrates. You can change the sound that each string makes by moving the soft drink cap or pebble back and forth under the string. Experiment to find out out how to make the notes higher and lower.

5. When you have tuned all of strings, try picking out a tune on your instrument. When you’ve found one you like write it down by recording the number of each note in turn. Put a dash where you want a rest or break in the tune.

For example:
333 - 333 - 35123
Play your tune back to yourself.

Then see if a friend can play it back to you!

Making a Purerehua

Room 10 made a Purerehua using cardboard and string.
The class then designed them by drawing on them to personalise them.
Below is a class video of their finished works.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Today Room 10 had netball on the Glenbrae School court with Miss Nicholson. It was our last lesson so we played a game using all the skills that we learnt over the past 4 weeks. We had lots of fun playing netball today.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Kiwican: Term 2; week 6

Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for today was on "Being a role model."

 First we did an energiser which was called "Statues". Then we spoke about our learning intention which was  about times we have been good role model. Finally we did an activity called "Positive rap" where we had to create a positive rap. 

We enjoyed Kiwican today and learnt a lot about being good role models.

Friday, 3 June 2016


Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for today was on "Being a role model."

 First we did an energiser which was called "Dino ball". Then we spoke about our learning intention which was about how can we become a good role model. Finally we did an activity called "RolePlay" where we had to guess who the role model was from the action done by the other group. 

We enjoyed Kiwican today and learnt a lot about being good role models.