
Friday, 22 May 2015

Kiwican: Week 5, Term 2

Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for today for this week was on "Responsibility."

First we did an energiser which was called "21". Then we spoke about our learning intention which was about how we can clean up after ourselves.  Our catch phrase was Kiwi can says: "I do what I say, I do what I do, Responsible me responsible you."

Finally did an activity called "My belongings " where we had to protect our partner's belongings. We learnt a lot about responsibility from Kiwican today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Glenbrae
    Are you enjoying Kiwican,Im am!!! its
    Amazing I hope you guy's are having as much fun as I am.Keep it up Glenbrae school.



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