
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Motat Trip 2

On Wednesday 17 April 2013 the students, staff and parent helpers from Room 8 of Glenbrae School, went on a trip to MOTAT by bus to learn about transport. First we were welcomed. Then we had an orientation. Thereafter we had morning tea. Next we went on adult-led group trails which was very informative. Then we enjoyed exploring the Imagination Factory exhibition. Thereafter we went on an exciting tram ride. WE were glad to have lunch next as we were really hungry after all the walking that we did. After lunch we explored the MOTAT exhibitions which was really interesting. Finally we had a transport educator led session where we learnt about simple mechanisms. We really enjoyed ourselves at MOTAT and learnt a lot about transport.
MOTAT Trip 2 from Radha Moopanar on Vimeo.


  1. alfred and fineasi18 April 2013 at 09:35

    hi room 8.

  2. that was a nice trip yesterday

  3. like your movie

  4. Hi room 8 i like your movie its a nice trip to MOTAT!!!!

  5. hi room 8 i like the trip and its awesome and cool at MOTAT


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