
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The Manaiakalani Film Festival

Room 8 Glenbrae from KPE TV on Vimeo.

This is a movie about some types of games that the Maori people used to play in the past and may still play nowadays.


  1. Hi Room 8,
    Your movie about Maori games is cool. We enjoyed watching and we know how to play knuckle bones too. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    From Miss Lavakula and Room 9@Pt England School

  2. Hi Room 8
    I like the way that you showed us how to play maori

    fom noah

  3. Hi room8 i liked your movie about maori games it was awesome I like Maori games it cool. My name is rosalina

  4. I liked your movie because it was very interesting. I learned lots about playing Maori games

    From Cruz in room 9

  5. Kia ora Room 8,

    Congratulations on a successful movie, showcasing the learnings from your studies! It was really good that you were able to combine telling the facts about how to make the games with demonstrations of the games being played.

    You made an enjoyable movie,

    Tsana (Karl & Robin's mum)

  6. Kia ora Room 8, Congratulations to your presenters they were very good. This was a wonderful way to share your learning and demonstrate all the new games you were able to play.

    Ka nui te mihi

  7. Hi Room 8,your movie was great and all of your presenters were great and they were very brave to go in front of the cameras and do filming about Maori games.Thank you for showing us about Maori games.

  8. Hi Room 8, your film was so awesome thanking you for sharing your movie with the cluster Room 8. Thank you for showing us about Maori games.


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