
Friday, 25 February 2011

Waste Audit

Last Tuesday, the 8th of February 2011 the whole school went to the school hall and we saw Brandon, Kahn, Deandra, Tominika and other people sorting the rubbish.

We had to watch them sorting out where the right rubbish went. Some of the children and all of the teachers were watching them sort out the rubbish. Soon they weighed it and it was the number 7. They put the worm farm fruits in the right bin and the recycling rubbish in the recycling bin.

It was fantastic because I learnt where to put the correct rubbish.


  1. wahts up deandra.i liked your story. it was awsome .You had nice and neat writing.I loved your story very much

  2. Evelyn and Keti13 June 2011 at 09:59

    Well done Deandra that is a nice picture of you. That is fantstic
    Deandra.edit by Evelyn.


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