
Monday, 10 August 2009

Recount of a "Roots of Empathy" lesson by Keren


Last Wednesday we had Roots of Empathy. The song we sang in the beginning was Baby Cooper’s welcome song. We always sing to him his welcome song to make him feel comfortable.

After that Alene, his mum got to show us what and how to change a baby’s nappy. She needed some things like cream and wipes to change his nappy. She also brings plastic bags to put baby Cooper’s dirty nappies in. We asked her some questions about nappies. She preferred disposable nappies because they were convenient. It also costed lots but she did not mind.

In the end we did a worksheet and then we sang Baby Cooper’s goodbye song. I really enjoyed the Roots of Empathy lesson.

By Keren


  1. What a lovely recount Keren - it sounds like Cooper and his Mum bring something special to your class. I would love to hear yoour class singing the welcome song. Maybe you could record it sometime.
    Mrs Burt

  2. Hi Keren,
    That was a great recount about the roots of empathy. I don't think I'd like the nappy lesson! How does the song go?
    From Briar in Room 10 at Grey Lynn School.

  3. hi keren i like your story . it really was intresting. keep up the good work .


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