
Monday, 15 September 2008

Greetings from Jasper

Hi Everyone,

I am in Jasper Canada in the Rocky Mountains.
This is a very short message to say that tonight as I was walking to Dinner I saw a Elk/Deer with big antlers like tree branches cross the road in front of me. The Elk walked into someone's back yard and started eating the grass on their front lawn. We have been told to be careful of the wild animals here in Canada as they can charge at you and injure you badly. How would you like a deer to eat the grass outside your house and hop over the fence?

Thought I would share the moment with you,

Love From,

Miss Paton


  1. Hi Joy,
    We're going away next week. Perhaps you could send that elk over to keep our grass down while we are away!!
    You certainly sound to be having a wonderful time. I'll keep reading your blogs when we get to Oz, so I can keep up with what you are doing.
    Lotsa love,

  2. Hi Joy !

    I am still waiting for to comment on my blog. Click on my name and you will linked to it. I am sure you know that !


  3. Hi Joy,
    Sounds like you are having a great time. I know I wouldn't like a deer eating grass from my front lawn. Keep up the great work.

  4. Hi Miss paton
    I am A new boy at school
    MY name IS Silas.
    Happy wishes

    From silas

  5. hi miss paton we are all wishing for you to come back. Are you feeling welll. I've been a very good boy for Mrs strang and Frances.I've been learning my phonics with erik.


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