
Saturday, 26 July 2008

Upcoming Episodes: The Next Installment

That's the end of our report writing. We hope you enjoyed listening to our reports. At the moment the Room 8 Writing team are busy at work learning about Super Heroes and Arch Villains in Fairy Tales. Within the next few weeks the children will be creating their Super Heroes and Arch Villain characters in their very own fairy tale stories. Tune in to hear some very exciting stories written by the children.


  1. Congratulations Room 8
    I have really enjoyed listening to your reports and I have visited your blog many times to keep up to date with them. Did you know I also subscribe to them on iTunes and I can see them on my iPod. That is a really fun way to listen to podcasts.
    I must say that I am looking forward to your next series, so please don't take toooo long to finish them :)
    You guys rock!
    Mrs Burt

  2. Hi room 8

    It looks like fances is pooshing mele. And I like your smile miss paton.

    from tame'e


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